What’s in my diaper bag?

As a new parent with ADHD I often get asked what is in my diaper bag to keep it organized so that I don’t lose anything. Having worn purses since I was 12, I realized how easily my diaper bag could end up a bottomless. I just couldn’t deal with the thought of being out and about dumping my bag upside down to find hand sanitizer. 

So I made a conscious decision to make it easier for me and my husband to tag team and that ultimately meant bags and labels. I’m going to walk you through some of my favorites that make this daunting bag so much easier to manage (all products will be linked so you can easily purchase). I can tell you that even with the lack of sleep, I have somehow managed to keep it all together.

I love packing cubes so these were very appealing to me. They were cute and had clear labels making it easy to grab and go. Purchase here.

Zipper Pouches

These are for my friends who organize by color. I use these when we travel sometimes because we have a lot of needs and can categorize them by color and use different sizes for different reasons. Having them see-through makes it also easy to find what we need and you can easily label them as well. Purchase here.

Changing pad.

This is different from the one I have in the video but this is the one I leave in the car and the stroller. This becomes my one-stop shop for diaper changes on the go because it zips off and you have space for all of your needs. Purchase here.

Diaper garbage bags

These are really easy to unroll and open when you are on the go. Purchase here.

Breast pump wipes

It is too complicated to clean my pump parts when we are out and about so these wipes save time and make it easy to use my pumps multiple times while were out (as long as the pumps were charged lol). Purchase here


I love these because it's just basically water but I think this is also the right size to put in a diaper bag. Purchase here.

Hand sanitizer  

This is the only one that doesn’t dry out my hands and smells nice. Purchase here.


The best diaper cream! Purchase here.

Bumco spatula

I hate getting my hands dirty so this is a must. Purchase here.


Kids have a lot of boogers so if you already have them laying down, I say get those boogers. Purchase here.

Pee Pee Pads

This has saved us for so many reasons. We’ve used these for public bathroom trips or even putting them in the carseat for a long road trip. Yes we still stop every 2 hours. Purchase here

Stain remover

Hands down the best stain remover out there. We use it on our own clothes too. Purchase here.

Burp Cloths

No such thing as having too many of these. Purchase here.


These are really easy to clean when we are out because you just use a wipe. Purchase here.


If you can get some type of backup formula to leave in your bag, I think it’s always great to be prepared. Purchase here.

Crinkle book with a clip.

I can attach them to the stroller, high chair or car seat. Makes it harder for them to throw it lol. Purchase here.

Suction spinners

Might be the best things I ever bought. We’ve put these on tables, windows, the floor, you name it. The best entertainment toy that fits in any diaper bag. Purchase here.

Let me know if you found this helpful! I have lots of fun travel tips and hacks that I use to help me stay all together.

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