Why my coaching philosophy is nothing like you've tried before

When I speak to people with learning disabilities and/or ADHD they often tell me they’ve tried everything under the sun to try and help themselves accomplish their goals and nothing seemed to work. 

Most of my first meetings are a repeat of hey Alex  “I found the best practice for managing my ADHD in the workplace”  “ I set timers” “I bought a new planner” “I lock my phone” “I tried this app” none of them worked. 

Why my coaching philosophy is nothing like you’ve tried before.

They often feel defeated, thinking: “what is wrong with me? Why do these strategies work for other people and not for me?”. The truth is, it’s not you that's wrong, it’s the strategies. Strategies that are made for a very large group of people, not at all tailored to your specific needs. 

I had the privilege of having an early diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD along with many resources to succeed all the way through college. Having had a lifetime of these learning disabilities and IEPs (Individualized Education Program) I knew I had the ability to succeed but it would look different than my peers. I then spent over a decade of program and leadership development, where I wrote and trained thousands of leaders with many different skill levels, realizing how unrealistic it was to expect everyone to do the exact same thing and end up with the same results. 

With my coaching theory of Best Principles vs Best Practices we have the same goal in mind of allowing you to maybe manage at work or at home but how we get there is based on what your needs are. 

This philosophy carries over into all aspects of my business whether it is 1:1 Coaching or my courses. I walk you through a process to help you observe what your needs are, what success looks like for you, and how to help yourself accomplish your goals in a way that makes sense for you. 

As much as we would love to have that instant gratification of trying one strategy and it working long-term, it is certainly not realistic. This process of getting to know yourself takes some work, but it is a process that leads to success long term. And ultimately, that is the goal.

Here is what some clients are saying :

“My work with Cape-Able consulting helped me reframe my self-talk and perspective toward a more realistic and positive view of my ability to achieve success as a woman with ADHD. It was so helpful to process my experience with Alex, who not only understood me, but also affirmed and validated me, and helped me see the ways in which I'm already thriving. After decades of living with undiagnosed ADHD and internalizing so much shame, it was liberating to accept that I am already more than cape-able, and that I can learn and practice strategies specific to my neurodivergent needs.” –Lindsay J 

“There are strategies and tools to help you navigate life and Alex is one of those hidden gem resources.” –Aaron


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