What your favorite games tell us about your strengths

I created a TikTok video that relates to this.

One of my favorite questions to ask my clients has always been what is your favorite and least favorite game to play? This can be board games, apps, computer games, really any variety of games. 

There are so many reasons I love this question, but first and foremost, it helps us identify your strengths, without feeling generic and boring. I know my audience. If it’s boring I’ve already lost you. Often times when we start looking for jobs, we don’t always know our strengths and interests. Knowing your strengths makes a job search more enjoyable and really helps us find environments where you can thrive. 

Some of the other reasons I love this question is we often forget some of the strengths we have, because they’re so ingrained in what we do, that we don’t often realize that they are strengths in the first place. People are often excited to share something they love. The games we are typically attracted to typically have so much to do with our natural skills, abilities, strengths, satisfaction and enjoyment. If you despise a game, it’s highly likely it requires us to use the skills we might not be very good at, or have very little interest in. Once I know the answers to these questions, it’s much easier to help my clients find jobs that engage their interests and avoid the aspects of their jobs they might hate.

Here’s an example: My favorite game has always been Tetris. Tetris describes everything about my skillset and my habits with my work. I am a great problem solver, I see the big picture and can plan ahead, even if a piece doesn’t fit perfectly in the moment, I will know how to fix it down the line. That and I love to organize. Once the line is filled it can be cleared and move on to the next. That describes every job I ever had. I was an excellent problem solver and organizer as long as I could clearly see the big picture and little details.

My least favorite game is Pac-Man. I DESPISE it. There are so many variables on paths you can take and with the ghosts coming from all different directions you cannot predict their every move. It makes me anxious just thinking about it. That is exactly what I struggled with in every job. If my boss would drop something on my desk at the last minute, that I didn’t get to plan for, I made a lot more errors.

What does your favorite game say about your strengths?

Based on these types of answers, we can figure out how to highlight your strengths and minimize your weaknesses (we all have them). And I cannot wait to help you figure out what those strengths are. So we can find the right job for you. 

So now let me ask you…Are you ready to play and maybe even win the game of life ;)? Book your free declutter your mind session today to learn about our 1:1 coaching sessions or check out our courses to help you get the support you are looking for.


Declutter your mind


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