Making Tough Transitions

As we come to the end of the year and I reflect on everything I’ve been through personally and professionally, I can’t help but think how did I make it through all those transitions?…Okay let’s be real, how am I still managing through them? 

Making tough transitions as a mom and business owner with ADHD

Making Tough Transitions.

Transitions have always been a challenge for me because the dyslexic/ADHD (aka the ultimate problem solver) version of me, immediately would like to move into fix-it mode. I wanted clear-cut solutions that left me feeling in control of the situation. If you read last month's blog about my favorite/least favorite games, you will learn why. But as a former boss of mine would always say to me, “Alex, you need to live a little more in the gray”. Life is messy and complicated, and more often than not, gray is more of the norm. 

In the span of one year, I managed my business, coached dozens of new 1:1 clients, wrote 3 courses, recorded hundreds of original videos for TikTok and Instagram, made almost 50 guest appearances on different podcasts, I had a complicated pregnancy, an even more complicated delivery and recovery, I exclusively pump 5 times a day, and take care of that tiny human, just to name a few. As I came back from my maternity leave, I had a lot of shaking ground beneath me, trying to find the balance between it all. But I realized part of the reason it feels so shaky is that I am trying to manage my life based on a former life that no longer exists. 

The key to making those transitions is questioning, how can you help yourself propel forward not backward. My life and work look different, and I need to make room for what’s to come. And so do you. 

I am so excited, anxious and maybe even a little terrified as to what comes next. But there are some key elements I want to bring forward with me and several that I need to leave behind. 

What I am taking with me: The space to evolve and grow and make room for this new version of me and my business. When I started my business, I made it a point to allow myself to continue to adapt and remain open to the possibility of changes because if I didn’t, I would not only be doing myself a disservice but doing a disservice to you as well. And I am so excited to share with you some of those exciting opportunities soon in 2023😉. 

What I am leaving behind: The imposter syndrome of can I do it all? The little jobs I have no interest in doing. Selling myself short. Setting unrealistic goals for me to accomplish. They didn’t work for me then, and they certainly have no place in my future either.

My time is different, my priorities are different, my skills have evolved and therefore my goals have too. And I am so proud of myself for that because I am giving myself space to evolve into the person I’ve always wanted to be. A mom, an entrepreneur, a business owner, a voice, and a safe space for all of those adults with learning disabilities and/or ADHD who could use support. 

Transitions are hard but you don’t have to do it alone and I am here to help you make those transitions a little easier. Whether it is from a new diagnosis, a new job, learning about yourself, or maybe as a new parent, the list goes on. I am here to remind you all that you are cape-able of. So book your free 30-minute Declutter Your Mind session and let's make this new year your year!


Where did the last few hours go?


My journey with ADHD and food